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Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Long time no type!

Hello all,

Things have been nuts here, and to be honest,I have forgotten about this blog until today! Hope everyone is well.

Has anyone had a baby or child with exczema? Little K has broken out in it pretty much everywhere, and I am doing damage control with baths, bactroban, and hydrocortisone cream. Apparently it eventually goes away, but will likely be present throughout childhood. Nobody in my family has had this, so it comes from Dada's side I am guessing.

K's colic has passed! FINALLY! She is still not sleeping for very long (probably because she's so itchy) but she's not screaming 24/7, so it's do-able.

Is anyone going through a 'special' stage with their wee one?

Also, we are currently looking for a new place to rent, in a less crime-riddled part of town, and boy-is it hard! Either too expensive, or too small, or gruesome. We'll find one,it's just going to be a long haul.

Spring is just around the corner! I'm already thinking of what I'm going to plant!

Have a great week all!