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Sunday, 20 January 2013


Hello all! After almost a year, I have been reminded that my writing may just help someone one day, so here I go again! How have you all been? Any new Mamas out there? I would love to hear some feedback, and discussion on motherhood, and how everyday life is for all of us! Lets see, alot has changed since last February. For instance, I went back to work full time when K was 9 months old, as my Husband was a casualty of the changing economy and was laid off from his job of 11 years. He has been home with the girls, and doing well. The girls are growing so fast! M is almost 5, and K will be 16 months on the 25th. I am doing ok, trying to keep up with life has me pretty tired at the end of the day, but I love my life, spilled milk and all. For me, keeping perspective has been difficult. When you are facing adversity, you feel like the only person on the planet that is getting shit on and lose sight of what is beautiful and necessary in life. I try to knock myself down a bit everyday, so the negativity doesn't win, and I don't forget what's really important. That, folks is love. The love of family, friends, and acts of random kindness to complete strangers, in the hopes of brightening someone's day. Negative people seem so soul sucking and sad, but I just can't give up that someday they might see things differently. My Mom's emotional side coming out in me, I guess. Anyways, would write more but have to chase children, See you later! J

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